Take complete control over Grai with all of the programmatic tools you could want.
connect everything
Wide Range of Integrations
Grai comes out of the box with a large number of integrations that cover the majority of commonly used tools and the community regularly adds more. We would love to help you write a new integration, just get in touch.
open for all
Open Source Now & Forever
Need to make more advanced modifications to Grai? Customizing Grai is as easy as forking the code. As an open-source project, all contributions are welcome.
Serialize Everything
Unlike other tools, everything in Grai can be serialized and parsed as plain text like yaml or json providing complete control over your data.
Data Discovery
Filter and search to find fields, wherever they are in your data ecosystem. Trace the source of data with advanced column level lineage.
Advanced Testing
Automatically test data changes during CI, with any issues highlighted in the pull request. Stop waiting to fix data programs until they've already impacted users.